Spencer Boliou

Spencer Boliou


At age five I was a songwriter...wasn't very good, but I tried :) I thought I'd be a football player, then a chemical engineer, then a physician assistant. My senior year of pre-med, I opened up for a touring band and performed a hip-hop record I made as a joke. They didn't think it was a joke: more like "you should really consider making music bro." So after a year of interning at my childhood church and leading our music, I finally decided to go all in. It's wild how God connected me to so many Boise, Idaho based artists that could help me grow such as Kurtis Hoppie, Derek Ryan, Dany Gray, and “wins” from my former hip-hop collective “knwbdy” These days you can find me making “lofi hymns.” along with all kinds of alternative soul and R&B music. I also have a Hip-Hop/Pop collective “UPSIDE DOWN KINGDOMS” with Kurtis Hoppie and Derek Ryan. We’re constantly searching for opportunities to bring hope and light through events, music, and alternative media. Together, all this makes Spencer Boliou, a guy that wants to make good art. Art that gives a small glimpse of the highest good. The good that found me when I was far from it.


Spencer Boliou
Spencer Boliou
Spencer Boliou
Spencer Boliou
Spencer Boliou
Spencer Boliou
Spencer Boliou

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