Faith Zapata

Faith Zapata


With delicate vocals, a guitar, and just the right amount of sentimentality and reason, Faith Zapata is a true wordsmith, looking to songwriting as a form of storytelling. Her authenticity and poetic inclination have deemed her an artist and a writer whose "lyrics capture specific moods that seem too personal to be relatable, yet so devastatingly are" (Scene + Heard). Zapata has been uploading covers and originals online as early as middle school, but it wasn’t until she began posting consistently on TikTok in 2021 when the now 23-year-old Bay Area native easily became a familiar face and voice on the sad girl indie singer-songwriter side of the internet. Her approach to indie music has been described as “a reinvention all her own” (Amplify Her Voice); combining the acoustic folk sound she has developed over the years with an undertone of pop music being the foundation of her lyricism. Within her songs, Zapata examines her relationships while prioritizing honesty, blurs the line between platonic and romantic, and gets caught up in the middle of real life and reverie. In addition to music, she is also currently pursuing a master's degree in English literature.


Faith Zapata
Faith Zapata
Faith Zapata

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