Afrobeats Worship is made of Kenyan born, US-based Kanjii Mbugua (singer- songwriter, worship pastor, and worship artist) and Ohio born, Los Angeles-based Rashon Murph (music producer, music director and songwriter). Afrobeats is a prominent global influence in today’s most popular genres, and Kanji and Rashon’s passion is to reintroduce popular Christian songs to a new generation with a sound of worship that is authentic to its cultural roots. Afrobeats Worship’s hope is for their music to bridge the gap between genres to reach a younger generation in the West, while providing familiar songs as a resource to segments of the Global Church in Africa that magnifies its native sound. As a band, Afrobeats Worship uniquely taps into the fastest-rising trend of the global music market, creating worship that sets itself apart from the rest and focuses on serving worshipers right at the heart of their culture. Their heart is to bring the gospel through fresh sounds to Gen Z and Gen A worshippers, following God’s call to creativity and discipleship.