Jon Webster

Jon Webster


Hello my name is Jon Webster. I’m from wherever the Wind cares to take me. Currently in Colorado. Living in Love. My Monologue: I’m a man on mission conveying The Message through various mediums. My mandate is to show mercy while communicating the Kingdom kindly. Creatively, I demonstrate this through music + movement. (Show and Tell) “But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.” I take the ethereal and make it tangible. I desire to help others realize their reality is His real estate and that is the proximity of the personhood of Jesus. That our residence is in His presence; even in this very moment. If you recognize it, you can have and hold it. Hand in hand, we get caught up in Him as we dance with the Trinity in unity. Simply put.. I’m a lookalike. When you see me, I hope you see Christ. I write deep pop psalms and singalong songs while emotively connecting melodies to The Message so that it gets stuck; not only in your mind but your spirit. As you explore through what I’ve been led to share, would you open your heart to the new?


Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster
Jon Webster

Suivre Jon Webster
